In January 2020, volcano Taal erupted, suspending all flights into San Jose, Mindoro. Ash from the eruption also covered Mindoro’s main highway, blocking our proposed route from the airport to the village. My team was dejected, as there was concern for an earthquake or even a Tsunami. Based on scientific data from the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismography we found a new, safer route. After a seventeen hours flight from New York to Manilla, we would drive for two hours to the coastal town of Batangas. From there we would take a four-hour ferry ride to Calapan on Mindoro. We planned to use local backroads to get to San Jose, increasing our total travel time to eleven hours.
Just as my team was ready to leave, more diaster struck. COVID-19 spread to the Philippines and took its first life

I had personally observed how simple medical care, something that we consider to be a basic right, could have such a profound impact on a community.
We all wanted to provide the same for the Mangyans. I was certified in basic first aid and advanced cardiac life support and had experience in assisting minor procedures. We had a Internists, Anesthesiologists, Pulmonologists, Cardiologists, several Pediatricians and a Neonatologist as well. A Respiratory technician was giving out nebulisations.
We treated a lot of respiratory diseases as caused by the ash from Volcano Taal. We treated hypertension, and diabetes in adults because they lacked assess to fresh herbs and vegetables. The food available to them was rich in Sodium, Carbohydrates and full of preservatives. Rice and noodles with soy sauce was a staple diet for almost everyone. If they ate once a day, it was considered a feast. Those who could afford it, ate canned sardines. Canned beef was a delicacy.
It was not surprising that parasite manifestation and growth deficiencies was common in children. We identified nutritional deficiencies and provide them with vitamins.
We also screened the elderly for cataracts, presbyopia and hearing loss. If diagnosed early, most ailments can be treated by a combination of lifestyle changes and/or a short course of medication without causing any long term adverse effects.
Our surgeon, Dr. Malijan worked in adverse conditions. She used scalpel blades without the handle, iPhone flashlights as light sources, and plastic bags instead of drapes. My job was to keep her surgical field clear, hold her stitches down with an artery forceps and keep her patients engaged. She worked relentlessly and I was determined not to leave her side